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Mgmt1001 Professional Development Portfolio Part B- Distinction Grade

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Professional Development Portfolio Part B MGMT1001 Plan


In a world characterised by social, political and economic evolution in management and organisation, it is integral for our professional skills to keep up to date. Two highly desired professional skills highlighted in this self-reflection report include Problem-Solving and Teamwork. This report explores strengths and weaknesses in the analytical decision-making style and its negative effects on task completion speed. It also explores teamwork skills, and the adverse impacts a lack of trust by team members has on conflict handling styles. Methods of improving these skills during the MGMT1001 course are outlined in action plans.

Self-reflection: Problem solving

For me, problem-solving is both a strength and weakness. While I am effective at rational and evidence based decision making, there are development areas in my problem-solving potential. Through my reflection, I drew on evidence from decision making styles and problem solving assessments (Kinicki et al., 2018). It was concluded that I have an analytical decision-making style, and a moderate problem solving potential (37/50). My analytical style demonstrates my strengths, in which I consult a wide range of data and sources, consider all possible alternatives and carefully evaluating solutions (Kinicki et al. 2018 p.244) before making a decision. This ensures they are not irrational choices, but instead, are informed decisions grounded by evidence and research. However, my analytical style can also be a weakness, as I tend to over-analyse situations. This is often the cause of my inefficient problem solving. It is noted that without appropriate resources and abundant data, an individual may not only be unwilling to make a decision, but they may also begin to question their own abilities (Mayer, R. E 2006, cited in Jiri Dostal 2015 p.2800). One critical incidence was when I was asked to resolve a problem during an interview within the span of five minutes. However, time was up before I was able to decide on my final answer. It was evident that I had over-analysed the situation as I wanted to consider every alternative and come up with the best solution, rather than to satisfice. Having reflected on my problem-solving abilities, I realised I need to adopt faster decision making when under a time constraints by adopting certain attributes from more efficient decision-making styles, such as directive style. It also helped me realise that I need to evaluate ways of deciding to decide, such as importance and urgency. (Kinicki et. Al 2018 p. 250).

Self-reflection: Team work skills

Teamwork for me is a weakness. While I am very task focused, there are development areas in trust and conflict handling in a team environment. Reflecting on my teamwork, I drew on evidence from attitude towards team and conflict handling style assessments (Kinicki et al., 2018). The insights were that I have a cynical attitude (24/50) towards teamwork due to my lack of trust and desire for authority. This explains my conflict handling styles, as I engage in a high forcing tactic (16/20), and have moderately low collaboration levels (10/20). These traits are illustrated in my recent group-work assignment where I continuously questioned my teammates ideas, and used my outspoken and confident personality to suppress them. It is evident that I did not acknowledge the perspectives of my teammates, as I was unsure of their credibility. This theory is explained as initial trust is based on two factors; judging demographic similarities and what information is known about the other team member. (Boies K. et al. 2015) Trust in team members is integral in achieving team building and effective team functioning, and is perceived as a foundation for team members to share knowledge, and contribute to the best of their ability. (Boies K. et, al 2015). I realised a lack of trust detoured collaboration, and it led me to be controlling and forcing when it came to handling conflicts. Having reflected on my teamwork, I realised I need to engage in a more positive attitude towards teamwork and build trusting relationships, and have a greater focus on collaboration rather than forcing.

Action plan: Problem solving

To develop my problem-solving skills, I have devised an action plan based on SMART goals (Latham and Locke 2006, cited in Kinicki et al. 2014 p. 175). I will increase my problem solving speed by adopting fast-decision making attributes from consultations with a directive style manager. I also aim to use effective decision-making steps of ‘importance’ and ‘urgency’ to reduce over-analysing. To measure this, I will compare the average lengths of decision making processes using an analytical style to the length of decision making processes with a directive-style consultant over the span of three weeks.  I will need to prioritise time-management over gathering data and evaluating all possible alternatives. Then, I will be able to weigh up the pros and cons in adopting a more efficient, less-evidence based decision making style. I aim to achieve a faster decision-making style by understanding the effects of delayed action, and be more engaged in the directive style. I plan to achieve decreased instances of delayed action before the completion of the second Everest simulation.


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