Ethics and Legal Issues
By: GddssCA • July 28, 2016 • Coursework • 1,678 Words (7 Pages) • 4,681 Views
- Legal principles view the contents of a client’s counseling records as belonging to: Q
[pic 1] | A. | The client’s counselor |
[pic 2] | B. | The agency where the counseling took place |
[pic 3] | C. | The client |
[pic 4] | D. | The court that has requested the records |
[pic 5] | E. | The insurance company that paid for the counseling sessions |
2 points
- Counselors who use social media profile sites for professional purposes should not: 258
[pic 6] | A. | “Friend” their clients |
[pic 7] | B. | Establish an effective method for verifying client identity Y |
[pic 8] | C. | Provide a list of all their licenses and links to the licensing boards |
[pic 9] | D. | Post a photo of themselves on the site |
[pic 10] | E. | Use the site to advertise their specialty areas |
2 points
- When a counselor uses a networked or shared computer for the storage of confidential information on clients, the counselor should: 260 rem
[pic 11] | A. | Never let anyone else know or be able to access the password |
[pic 12] | B. | Store confidential records on a portable storage device rather than on the computer’s hard drive |
[pic 13] | C. | Only use computers that are kept behind locked doors |
[pic 14] | D. | Have a manual lock placed on the computer that requires a key |
[pic 15] | E. | Never print out confidential information because it might be read by others |
2 points
- The practice of providing counseling services over the Internet: 252
[pic 16] | A. | Has been determined to be unethical by the American Counseling Association Ethics Committee |
[pic 17] | B. | Is never as effective as providing counseling services face-to-face |
[pic 18] | C. | Is controversial |
[pic 19] | D. | Is rare |
[pic 20] | E. | Is risky because no guidelines have yet been developed by professional associations |
2 points
- According to the 2014 American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, counselors need to verify client identity before rendering distance counseling services.
[pic 21] True
[pic 22] False
2 points
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which is sometimes referred to as the “Buckley Amendment,” affects all:
[pic 23] | A. | Community mental health centers in the United States |
[pic 24] | B. | Public educational institutions |
[pic 25] | C. | Substance abuse treatment centers in the United States |
[pic 26] | D. | Public hospitals |
[pic 27] | E. | Private hospitals |
2 points
- Generally, counselors create clinical case notes:
[pic 28] | A. | To protect themselves in the event they are later sued. |
[pic 29] | B. | For their own use, so that they may be effective counselors. |
[pic 30] | C. | For insurance companies who reimburse clients for the cost of mental health services. |
[pic 31] | D. | To track if the client attended sessions on particular days and if the client paid for the sessions that were rendered. |
[pic 32] | E. | So that they may reflect upon their counseling sessions and improve their skills. |
2 points
- According to the 2014 American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, counselors offering distance counseling services are not liable when electronic links are broken.
[pic 33] True
[pic 34] False
2 points
- According to the 2014 American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, counselors must review the risks and benefits of distance counseling before engaging in services.
[pic 35] True
[pic 36] False
2 points
- According to the 2014 American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, counselors should review the implications of the inability to read and respond to non-verbal cues when providing distance counseling services.
[pic 37] True
[pic 38] False
2 points
- The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that:
[pic 39] | A. | Counselors should give clients a clear written explanation of how they use, keep, and disclose their health care information. |
[pic 40] | B. | Clients should have access to their records. |
[pic 41] | C. | A written process exists for clients to request amendments to their records. |
[pic 42] | D. | A written history of most disclosures of client information be available to clients. |
[pic 43] | E. | All of the above |
2 points
- Internet sites that contain career information that might be helpful to clients:
[pic 44] | A. | Can be counted on for quality because all are approved by the federal government before they are allowed to be created |
[pic 45] | B. | Contain better, up-to-date information than printed sources |
[pic 46] | C. | Should be avoided because they usually contain inaccurate information |
[pic 47] | D. | Are not monitored for content or quality |
[pic 48] | E. | Have little practical use for clients because they are so technical in the way they present career information |
2 points