Effective Management
By: Max • June 5, 2012 • Essay • 1,014 Words (5 Pages) • 2,414 Views
Effective Management
Shelly Ward
BUS 201
Professor Craig Burke
June 11, 2012
Effective Management
Effective management is the key to how successful a business is. Hence, “Management is effiency in climbing in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” –Stephen R. Covey Without effective management, the competitive advantage is at a loss and on organization may not survive. However, effective management is only as successful as the leaders backing it up. Even though a leader is thought of to be the key of successful management, a manager must be effective to ensure the survival of an organization because manager traits fit into the four functions of management, it is essential that a manager possess certain traits, and managers should understand their role as a manager.
First, managers must be effective to ensure the survival of an organization because manager traits fit into the four functions of management. The four functions of management consist of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization. First, managers must plan by deciding which company goals to pursue, what strategies to adopt to attain those goals, and how to allocate organizational resources, and to pursue those strategies attaining to those goals. Next, organization involves deciding who goes into which department based upon the kinds of job-specific tasks employees perform and how to best organize resources. Additionally, leading is achieved through managers articulating a clear organizational vision for organizational members to accomplish along with coordination and encouragement of all employees. Lastly, controlling is done by evaluating how well an organization has achieved its goals and taking any corrective actions necessary to maintain or improve its performance. Even though a leader is thought of to be the key of successful management, a manager must be effective to ensure the survival of an organization because manager traits fit into the four functions of management.
Additionally, it is essential that a manager possess certain traits. Certainly, there are a lot of necessary traits that a manager should have but I feel that the three major ones are extraversion, conscientiousness, and the openness to experience. First, extraversion is when one feels great about oneself and experiences positive emotions as well as moods. Outgoing, assertive, active, and excitement seeking traits are represented which leads to a high moral value at work. A high moral value is responsible for satisfied employees, low turnover rates, higher productivity and allows organizations to grow. Thus, extraversion oriented managers are extremely well at handling unsatisfactory situations. Next, conscientiousness is an important trait also.
Conscientiousness managers tend to be careful, scrupulous and preserving as well as self-disciplined, neat, orderly, rule following, structured and organized. They also take their time to think every situation logically through and do not like careless mistakes made by others. Therefore, they end to work harder at achieving goals to seek career satisfaction. However, excessive conscientiousness is negative because delegacy will not be effective. Since setting goals offer cues for conscientious workers to express achievement and achievement goals are related to performance, successful organizations arise. Lastly, the openness to experience is a great trait to possess.
Openness to experience represents an individuals’ tendencies to be creative, curious, imaginative, inquisitive, resourceful and inquiring along with being original, having broad interest, open to a wide range of experiences, and taking risks which are all related to salary, academic performance, and career satisfaction. In turn, all related positively with workplace delinquency or feeling liberated by an innovative climate at the organizational level. Even though a leader is thought of